Switched at birth season 3 episode 21
Switched at birth season 3 episode 21

switched at birth season 3 episode 21 switched at birth season 3 episode 21

Ty says Emmett's a good guy and abruptly hangs up. The two talk about the Hammer Girl Bay gave him (he put it on his unit's tank), and Bay tells Ty that she is dating Emmett Bledsoe. John uses his connections with a military general to ascertain that Ty is safe, which relieves both of his daughters. In Write a Lonely Soldier Bay, Daphne, and Regina spend much time worrying about Ty's safety when news surfaces that a helicopter carrying his military company went down in Afghanistan. Bay says she just came to say goodbye and leaves. Ty tells her he had some the other night but didn't want to sleep with Bay without telling her about his enlistment. Bay responds by asking if he has protection now. Ty asks Bay if she still wants to sleep together. Ty says he won't say anything then and the two begin to make out. Bay then tells him to save any big romantic goodbye he may have prepared because if he tells her he loves her she'll be mad at him for leaving her and she'll be mad if he doesn't say he loves her. Later Bay goes to Ty's house and gives him a poster of Hammer Girl wearing a camouflage helmet for Ty to take with him. In a short conversation with Bay, Ty explains his reason for enlisting is so he can make something of himself and not end up a drunk like so many of the guys from his neighborhood. At dinner, Bay's father is questioning Ty about his plans for the future when Ty reveals that he's enlisted in the army and leaves for basic training later that week. Her parents react to catching them together by saying Ty has to attend family dinner or Bay can't see him anymore. John then catches Bay making out with Ty in his truck in their driveway. In Dogs Playing Poker, Ty almost sleeps with Bay but doesn't because neither has protection. The two then leave together and go to Ty's place. Later, after a tough night for Bay, Ty surprises her by showing up at the fundraiser. Bay calls Ty once again during the fundraiser as a last ditch effort to get him to attend. In Dance Amongst Daggers Bay tries to convince Ty to attend the Buckner Hall scholarship fundraiser but he rejects the offer saying it's not his scene. Ty later calls Bay saying that he thought he fixed his truck but broke down again on his way the way to Bay's house to apologize for his behavior when Bay offered him the money for his truck. After finding out Ty's pay was docked (preventing him from being able to buy parts to fix his truck) because he couldn't get to work on time because of his truck, Bay goes back to East Riverside with enough money to buy Ty's truck part but he rebuffs the offer, maintaining he is not a charity case that needs "Daddy's money" to bail him out. The night goes well until Ty's car won't start and Bay has to call Toby to avoid another stint of grounding for missing her curfew. In Portrait of My Father Ty and Bay go on a date to a restaurant in East Riverside. Ty says the night is the weirdest first date he's been on, and the two end their night with a kiss. Later that night after getting in yet another fight with her mother, Bay asks for Ty's help putting up a new graffiti tag and they end up talking about "What-Might-Have-Been" if Bay had not been switched at birth. In American Gothic Ty shows up in Mission Hills to deliver Daphne and Regina's mail, which is revealed to be a thinly veiled excuse to see Bay because the mail is junk. They meet for a third time and are formally introduced when Ty helps the Vasquez family move into the Kennish's guest house. Their second encounter occurs when Ty catches Bay putting her street art on one of the local walls Bay panics and asks him to keep their encounter a secret, and he agrees. In This Is Not a Pipe, he is confused and suspicious when he sees Bay in the neighborhood, and accuses her of trying to score some pot because in his mind that is the only reason a "rich white girl" would ever be in the neighborhood.

Switched at birth season 3 episode 21